

(Evolution of the Intelligent Organism)

We humans are different from the other species as we have a sophisticated system that allows us to take a leap from being creatures to creators where we go beyond just the survival and procreative functions of the world. We have the ability to create our lives moment by moment which many of us are not aware of.

In the EIO module we give you the information that allows you to take that leap to being conscious creators of your reality.

Chapter 1 - The Four levels of Perception

A one of a kind workshop based on scientific research in the field of Neurochemistry, body and mind systems, Psychology and Quantum mechanics.

At a time when your external world is turbulent, learn how your body functions with the environment around you, how you have been programmed, how to reprogram your system to direct your thoughts and actions towards what you desire, thereby customizing your world.

Chapter 2 - Mechanics of Life

Here we dive deeper into the reprogramming aspects, introducing you to self image work and your relationship with your environment and how to control your emotional scale through focus and observation and different techniques, that allow you to reconnect and sync with the world around us, helping you dictate to your environment what you want in it rather than the other way around.