Nischitha & Deepak

Partners in life and business, we have found strength in each other's presence to get through any challenge or obstacle that presented itself in our life. We have been seekers, experimenters, questioners and critics with each other trying to dive deeper into our own minds and life experience to find the "how" and the "why" of life.

We have had many a challenge in our pursuit to find the truth behind the secrets of life's success, happiness and its illusive grasp of freedom and we have glimpsed into the world beyond the stark reality of the struggles of life.

Still experimenting on our own lives, we study deeper into aspects of quantum mechanics, biology of our body, the neural connections in our brain and psychology to understand the relation and our ability to control and reprogram our life and "our" world to create what ever we desire.

In our (almost a decade of) life in this pursuit, we have seen immense change in the way we think to the way we interact with our environment. We now have started dictating terms to our environment rather than the other way around. Our belief and trust in our abilities to accomplish have grown exponentially. Our conflict with our environment have reached an all time low. Our ability to build and create aspects of our lives previously thought impossible are no longer so.

synQlarity is a product of our experience and experimentation to create a life that is customized and completely under our control. We wanted to share our knowledge and experiences and coach and guide anyone who wanted to created their life in an image only they desired.

We offer a customized approach to create one's life based on helping them program or re-program their life through self image, belief system and perception overhauls that allow one to tap into one's true capabilities, talents and skills to achieve anything. YES ANYTHING.

Our Credentials